Scotts GrubEx, 5,000 Sq Ft
Goodbye Grubs!
The Scotts GrubEx Ready-to-Use Grub killer was made to kill grubs and Japanese beetles when they are newly hatched to help prevent them from causing damage to your lawn. GrubEx gives you season-long protection of up to 5,000 square feet. GrubEx is also useful on landscaped areas that contain flowers, ground covers, shrubs and trees. Just one application helps to protect your lawn for up to a whole season.
What It Controls
White grubs (including larvae of Japanese beetles, Asiatic garden beetles, Aphodius spp., European chafers, Green June beetles, May/June beetles, Northern masked chafers, Oriental beetles, Southern masked chafers)
Caterpillars (such as/including Armyworms, Cutworms, Sodwebworms)
Annual bluegrass weevils
Billbug grubs
Crane fly larvae
Key Features
A single application in spring or early summer both kills and prevents grubs for up to 4 months. The formula helps to prevent root damage caused by insects for a stronger lawn. It prevents turf damage by killing grubs while they are still young. Scotts GrubEx kills 25% more grub types as compared to the original GrubEx.
How to Use
Apply between Spring and early Summer to prevent the extensive damage grubs and other listed insects can cause. A single application in the spring or early summer kills and prevents grubs for 4 months, guaranteed.
- Use In Three Easy Steps
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