Nature's Mace Granular Cat Repellent, 2.5# treats 1400 sq ft

UPC: 747906578393
Sale Price$32.99

Repel & Train Cats & Kittens to Stay Away in a Humane Way with a Powerful Fresh Minty Scent Cats Hate!

  • Treats up to 1,400 square feet
  • Prevent Cat Digging, Scratching, & Other Unwanted Behaviors
  • Establish Boundaries & Correct Bad Habits
  • Easy-To-Use, Effective in All-Seasons
  • Can be used for both Indoor & Outdoor Protection
  • No Harsh Chemicals, Nontoxic, & 100% Biodegradable
  • Safe to Use Around Children, Pets, & Plants *when used as directed
  • Weather-Resistant Formula with Lasting Effectiveness
  • Offered with our Nature’s MACE 100% Money Back Guarantee!

Cat MACE granular cat repellent works by training & repelling stray & domestic cats. This granular repellent was designed to stop cats from digging & rummaging in flower beds, flower pots, gardens, shrubs, bushes, trees, patios, fences, trash areas, & other treated areas.

The deterrent incorporates a unique scent that is pleasant to humans but naturally irritating to cats. It also uses powerful bittering agents to discourage chewing, digging, & gnawing. Cats are repulsed by the smell & taste of Cat MACE & will move on to less stressful grounds. It is crafted from biobased ingredients & contains no toxic chemicals or poisons. Its proven effective formula really works & is surprisingly simple to use. Nature’s MACE products are manufactured with earth-friendly ingredients. They are safe to use around family, pets, plants, & the environment (when used as directed).

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