Jonathan Green Lawn Fungus Control
Say goodbye to lawn fungus with Jonathan Green’s Lawn Fungus Control!
Key Product features
- Provides a broad spectrum, systemic control of soil-borne diseases
- Prevents brown patch, leaf spot, red thread, dollar spot and more
- Works on all lawn grass types
- Ability to seed your lawn while using this product
- Safe to apply year-round, in spring, summer and fall
Jonathan Green Lawn Fungus Control is a broad-spectrum granular fungicide that combats turf diseases. Use this product as a preventative measure in areas where fungus has been a problem in the past to stop it from recurring. In preventative instances, the lighter rate will be enough. Once the disease occurs, however, a heavier curative rate is likely to be needed.
Please bear in mind that Jonathan Green Lawn Fungus Control can only prevent or stop the disease from spreading—it will not repair the damage which has already happened. In such cases, re-seeding will be necessary to replace the damaged grass and thicken the lawn.
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